10 Dog Breeds And Their Common Health Issues.. This Is A Must Read!

Every dog owner wants to make sure that their dogs are fine and they are in good health. Sadly, some dogs may carry a defect for their entire lives with no obvious physical effects; this may cause serious health problems. Here are 10 common dog breeds withehealth issues that effect them:
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
This dog breed commonly suffers from genetic disorders. When they reach 5 years old, more than 70% will suffer from a neurological disorder which make their brains become too large for their skull. shutterstock_166365449-941x627
  • Dalmatian
The common health concerns for this dog breed is deafness. In fact, more than 8% of Dalmatians are born totally deaf and about 24% are born with deafness in one ear. Besides, they also have a unique urinary tract system that makes them more susceptible to Urolithiasis. shutterstock_162655121-885x627
  • Bulldogs/French Bulldogs
They often suffer from breathing problems because of their smashed in faces. Extreme heat or much exercise can cause struggle in breath. The best thing to do is keep them indoors during hot days. shutterstock_149041652-969x627
  • Pug
Similar to the Bulldog, Pug belong to the Brachycephalic family. Their big eyes can cause serious problems, if they are the eyes of a curious dog.  Dog owners need to protect pug's eyes all the time from any possible injuries. Besides, their wrinkly skin can develop skin issues and rashes. shutterstock_206706229-941x627
  • Labrador Retriever
This dog breed is known for its few health issues, but they are commonly exposed to obesity. They need so much exercise to reduce their potential health problems. shutterstock_105917378-941x627
  • German Shepherd
This dog breed is commonly affected with hip dysplasia. According to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, 19% of them will develop hip dysplasia. As a result, their leg bones move around too much causing  pain. 15-02-2016 12-51-32 م
  • Boxer
Sadly, this dog breed has an increasing risk of developing some types of cancer. Besides, their big size makes them more exposed to hip dysplasia. shutterstock_172440251-941x627
  • Boston Terrier
This dog breed is commonly a victim to a number of eye problems because of their huge size.  Both juvenile and adults may develop cataracts. This condition is thought to be genetic. shutterstock_169284278-941x627
  • Cocker Spaniel
This dog breed with its fluffy ears is prone to chronic ear infections and problems. Repeated ear infection can cause serious long-term problems like deafness! shutterstock_108672614-941x627
  • Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier and Shih Tzu
Toy breeds are loved because of their small sized bodies. Sadly, these toy breeds are at a high risk of diseases such as developing collapsed trachea. Patellar luxation, or the persistent dislocation of the kneecap, causes the dog to hobble or limp. shutterstock_56184721-1200x441 Now, you know the most common health issues that effect our beloved dogs with their different breeds. It is strongly advised that you refer to a vet if you have any questions.  Don't forget to share this with your family and friends.  Let them know too, to ensure all of our beloved dogs enjoy good health.